It's great that you're here! We've been looking forward to seeing you! Christiane has reserved your favorite room for you, Violetta has already prepared your treats and favorite toys in your feel-good room and your fresh dog menu has already been pre-ordered from Daniel in the kitchen. Enjoy your time out from everyday life together with your owner and "a warm welcome to your Almfrieden", we have been welcoming our dear Almfrieden friends to our family business for generations.
So we are the Almfriedas, a 100% family business based on tradition and joy. The fourth generation is already in the starting blocks and is ready to lead our Almfrieden into the future. We have been living the Almfrieden since 1926 - with ups and downs and we have experienced many beautiful, warm and open things over the generations. We have seen children grow into adults and adults into grandparents.
We have made friends across borders, cultures and religions and we have seen moments of joy, beauty and togetherness. All these moments were accompanied by the most loyal friend at our side, our beloved four-legged friends, our woolly noses, our darlings! There is not only sunshine, but also clouds and darkness; in our almost 100-year history, we have also seen some troubling things. We have learned a lot from this and developed together! Our guests have always been by our side, loyal friends with their beloved four-legged friends. Thank you for that! Our experience over four generations in local tourism, in dealing with people and animals, has made us what we are today - a dog hotel that is enthusiastic from the bottom of our hearts!
Viktoria, David and Ivan look after you personally in service, Christiane and Doris are always available for you at reception. Daniel, Darko and Natascha conjure up regional specialties from local products for dogs and humans. Yes... That's right! We cook fresh meals for our pets using local produce. Our lovely cleaners - like Violetta and Mira - ensure a cleanliness that makes you feel good.
The Almfrieden, a feel-good place where our pets and their companions can really relax and enjoy themselves. Regionality, tradition and honesty are the values we live by! Values for generations, because we stand for customs, honesty and responsibility for animals, nature and society. We have been doing this for almost 100 years. Even if not everything can always be new, sweat and work go into every building block. There is a story behind every door and a dream at the Almfriedas:
To be the feel-good place for you, our beloved woolly noses.
The Almfriedas are just the way we are - honest, sometimes chaotic, loving, with a little excitement, always correct and responsible! A family with its strengths and weaknesses, a team with many sunny and sometimes rainy days. We always do our best and give you a place where you can be who you are. Our fur noses are allowed to spill, drool and make themselves known... maybe greet you louder, yes that's allowed.
Yes, it's important to us to be a feel-good place where a dog doesn't have to pretend, hide or hide away. Where you are seen, experienced and heard - in your favorite place to relax, unwind and just be YOU - in your Almfrieden.
Our Doris makes sure that our Almfrieden family is harmonious and respectful, so please remember the leash. Don't worry, it emphasizes YOUR beauty. We live dog vacations - for our pets.