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TOP 4 finish - hundehotel.info Award 2024
TOP 4 finish - hundehotel.info Award 2024

hundehotel.info Award


Again, hundehotel.info handed out awards and we are proud to announce that we finished in the TOP 4! This award is present­ed to dog-friendly establishments in six european countries like Austria, Ger­many and South Tyrol.

For the second time we can call ourselves the best dog hotel in Styria!

We are thrilled to receive this award!


pfotencheck.com gave us 5 out of 5 Paws for our extensive dog-friendly offer. Take a look at our certificate!

5 out of 5 Paws from pfotencheck.com
5 out of 5 Paws from pfotencheck.com
Austrian Hiking Seal of Quality
Austrian Hiking Seal of Quality

Austrian Hiking Seal of Quality

As a hiking hotel, we guarantee hikers an extensive range of services. These include 5 guided hikes every week with our certified hiking guide Markus, hiking information and personal tips from your hosts. A stop for the hiking bus is located right in front of our hotel.

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